FAM – Initiative

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School Tour Project

Widespread misunderstanding about mental health and what it entails played a vital role in encouraging disinterest in the subject matter among our population of interest. One of these misunderstandings is the confusion between mental health and mental illnesses.

As such, our team focused on disabusing their minds of misguided notions concerning mental health, properly introducing them to a much broader concept of mental health and what it entails, maintaining a healthy mental state, dealing with mentally challenging issues, and strongly discouraged substance use and abuse as a solution to the mentally challenging issues they face daily.

More specifically, the awareness workshop walked them through building personal capacity to thrive through anxiety, stress and depression. Beyond being aware, the 373 young people our team engaged with were greatly intrigued by the fact there are actions they can take to improve their state of mental well-being at any point in time!

For the staff and management of the institutions, our team’s efforts offered them the support they needed to intensify commitment towards ensuring that these young people develop and sustain healthy lifestyles. Healthy lifestyles not just for themselves, but also for their respective families, their communities, and the development of our dear nation at large.

Adolescents Safe Haven Club

Mission: To incorporating mental health school clubs across Northwestern Nigeria with the goal of increasing mental health awareness, assist adolescents in expressing themselves better and offer preventive mental health support to ensure optimal wellness and increased academic excellence amongst adolescents.

We envision a world where adolescents and young people are supported and empowered in their mental health journey. By building a vast and vibrant community, we aim to foster an environment where young individuals can connect, share experiences, and access valuable resources. Our commitment to collecting and providing the most genuine local data will fuel our efforts to advocate for effective policies and programs that truly address the mental health needs of adolescents.

Peer-to-Peer Learning Series

Mission: To empower young people with leadership and accountability skills for enhanced mental resilience in their academic and social life.

Vision: a session that boosts self confidence and interpersonal communication skills as knowledge is being exchanged amongst young people.

Story Exchange Project

Mission: To boost tolerance amongst young people guiding the development of empathy and compassion for themselves and others.

Vision: Build an environment where empathy and compassion is the foundation to building interpersonal connection.

Nurturing Minds Maintaining Green Project

Your Donation Matters

Your donation matters. It helps us to mobilize communities to advocate for mental health, raise awareness about mental health issues, and provide resources to those who need them. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference.